Call Center

The growth of a Call Center dedicated to loan recovery, requires that over time have a highly specialized application, CRM, to control the operations of the company.


When there is a call center dedicated to loan recovery has to face several points of opportunity, one of them is the control and management of the portfolio assigned by the Customer:

  • The volume of assigned accounts.
  • The tool used for the registration and operation of its portfolio.
  • The geographical locations where they must have a presence.
  • The activities of the recovery of the portfolio, such as views, calls, emails, etc..

In addition to this, consider that each month the Customers will make a review of the management of the portfolio and the goals achieved, according to the results the Client decides whether to remove part of the portfolio, receive new assignments or maintains the portfolio with the same volume of accounts, this strategy will depend on who has the responsibility and the operation itself.

  • The growth of call center need more infrastructure in many ways, for example:
  • The staff, integration of supervisors, floor managers, quality, monitoring, strategizing, etc..
  • In technology infrastructure, the creation of a SITE and investment in the various teams that require daily operation and even more when you have offices in different geographical areas of the country.
  • In third-party technology, including predictive dialers, recording of calls, sending messages to cellular phones.

Another important investment is to have a development that will cover the entire cycle of operations involved in the process of recovery of debts, we call this CRM, even though in the market there are several options, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative:

Home development information system that meets the needs and objectives of the owners.


  • The development certainly should cover even the smallest details of the process.
  • Maintenance costs and innovations, as well as the times they are controlled internally without dependence on third parties.


  • La carga del personal que desarrollará las aplicaciones es fuerte, así como las herramientas y ambiente de pruebas antes de la liberación del producto.
  • Los Directivos pueden distraer su atención del objetivo del negocio, al tener que dedicar tiempo a la asesoría y verificación de los avances de un proyecto de misión crítica.
  • Si el personal no cuenta con la experiencia necesaria para atender un proyecto de esta naturaleza, se puede volver un proyecto interminable.

La contratación de desarrolladores profesionales externos.


  • Having the participation of highly qualified personnel in the development of applications.
  • Send the right technology guidance to meet future growth and technological framework in which the application work.


  • The costs of hiring this level of staffing.
  • Technology dependence in case the need of adjustments.
  • The involvement of staff in the business to understand what is required and the project does not end in failure.

Purchase or rental of a professional application


  • The experience of having a development that covers the operations of a company dedicated to loan recovery.
  • The business approach supported with technology.
  • The certainty of having the backing of an established firm in the market and with solid experience in the field.


  • Relying on a third party.
  • The rental costs or charges for the application.
  • Payments for annual maintenance policy.

The final decision will result in having a versatile CRM, and the results to support decision making, the definition of strategies, the record of activities involving finally reach the goals.

The purpose is that the CRM is the technology platform that allows customers to engage in business objective without worrying about anything else.


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