Laboratorios ChopoSecretaria de Educacion PublicaLeche ConasupoPemexLiconsaZurich en MexicoSoluciones de Software InteligenteAxtelFundacion Cultural GromexGobierno del Estado de GuanajuatomaltaCleytonGobierno del Estado de PueblaThales GroupUnidad de RadiodiagnosticoSecretaria de SaludUnilever MéxicoCapital InmobiliarioFundación Luis PasteurInstituto Nacional de NeurologíaHospital Faro Mayab Aries Asesores Diagnostico Clinico Azteca Biomedica Dr Moreira Exakta Family Labs Jenner LIACSA Lister Olab Polab Swiss Lab



The strategy followed in the analysis has shown over time that we are on track and are ready to continue to modify our criteria to advance the field of solutions andmake adjustments imposed by the market, customer requirements and facilities of new technologies.


The injection of young and prepared people to the company has resulted harness thetalent and potential of these new professionals that combined with the experience of senior staff has allowed us to find better solutions and better results with it.


It is essential in our daily activities give significant weight to this issue, because with her wit, preparation, tools, and above all the need of the Client, resulting innew services, answers, advice and above all, timely interventions our participationand sustainable.