Publications on company events.

Call Center y CRMDSP has participated in several projects of this nature, we will discuss only three of them emphasizing some details of our intervention.

- Attention motor claims

- Integration of a Call Center within a BACKOFFICE

- Recovery of extrajudicial overdue



XXII  GeneXus EventAfter publishing our Expectations of DSP in GeneXus XXII, now we present the result of the meeting, which showed us that we are on track in terms of technology and the products we develop are competitive in the international market.



GeneXus XXIIWe discuss the objectives we seek in the meeting such as the formalize those partnerships that allow us to cover more markets and have the support of companies dedicated to niche interest in national and international dialing.



DSP in the worldThe nature of information systems has no boundaries when are conceptualized like that from the start, that's one reason why our website has for the moment our corporate image and services in English and soon in other languages. Our purpose is to make available to any country our experience and application development.

The purpose of this blog is to present topics of interest that may allow the exchange of experiences with others, with staff representing organizations or institutions of any order of government, professionals in the field and the general public who can bring their ideas and knowledge in order to enrich one of each and thereby generate more wealth in the field we are dealing with.